Beau Life


$78.00 CAD


Each crystal will vary slightly in size and colour as each crystal is a unique natural product.

Size: 5x7cm

Weight: 250-300g

Location of Gem Origin: Madagascar

The first Labradorites came to Europe in the 18th century after they were found on the Labrador Peninsula in 1770. The Czech missionary Father Adolf found the first pieces there when the Herrnhuters, a German Protestant community, founded numerous settlements on the forest-covered peninsula in the Atlantic. The first scientific description of feldspar was made in 1780 by Abraham Gottlob Werner. The mineral got its final name "Labradorite" in 1832 from the French mineralogist and Professor François Bedaunt (1787 - 1850) due to the location on the Labrador peninsula. 

At first glance, this mineral appears dark and inconspicuous. However, if you hold the polished labradorite in the light, you will immediately notice the colours. This effect is called labradorization and is caused by the superimposition and reflection of light waves on and in the different layers of the mineral. Due to its dazzling appearance, the mineral is often used to make jewelry

Qualities: Labradorite is a highly mystical and protective stone and bringer of light. The gem deflects unwanted energies from the aura and is excellent at preventing energy leakage. The stone banishes fears and insecurities and the psychic debris from past disappointments. Labradorite calms an overactive mind and energizes the imagination, bringing up new ideas. The gem is an excellent companion through change, imparting strength and perseverance. 

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