Easy mindful techniques

Would you like to practice mindfulness but have a hard time getting still and meditating? Do you feel restless when sitting still, alone with your thoughts? Well, in that case, these techniques are perfect for you. And if you already practice meditation, you can also add these methods to your days.

Mindfulness means being fully conscious and aware of the present moment, which is very calming and therapeutic. Being present also means that you are not worrying about the future nor dwelling on the past. Giving room to breathe, rest the mind and soul. It also provides some distance from things that are currently happening, helping to better understand. When we enter that regret or worry spiral, that is deeply connected with the past or future, it is difficult to stop it and to achieve any conclusion, closure, or solution.

Let's explore different ways, techniques to be mindful without the traditional meditation, and that is within everyone's reach.

  1. Leave your worries behind at home, school, or work and go for a walk. Be in the moment, fully aware of the surroundings, smells, sounds, the act of walking, anything that brings you to the present moment. This is called an anchor in meditation; it is usually the breath. If you don't want to leave without your phone, put it in flight mode and avoid using it, so you can simply be. Thoughts and feelings will come, and you don't have to stop them, be aware of them without judgment and get back to the present. You can also carry Black Obsidian with you to help to calm negative thoughts.
  2. Have you ever tried mindful eating and truly enjoyed your meal, paying attention to the colors, textures, smell, and flavour? This is another way to be in the moment, and it is quite easy, no Netflix, phone, or other devices, just sit and enjoy this precious nourishing moment. Mindful eating can also help with cases of overeating. If it's the first time you will try this, start with your favourite meal or food, it's much easier!
  3. Spend more time doing activities that you enjoy and that require full attention, this way you will be fully immersed at the moment. If you don't have a hobby you have the opportunity to explore and discover new things. Some ideas: coloring books, painting, pottery, dancing classes, or playing an instrument. You can also search for your inner child and rediscover hobbies that you had forgotten about.
  4. The next time you have an essay to write or a task to be done, do just that, every time your mind wonders, realize it, and gently get back to what you were doing. If you remember something else that you need to do, just write it down and get it out of your mind. The idea is to do the exact opposite of multitasking.

While doing any of these techniques, pay attention to your senses, depending on what you're doing, notice your breath, body, colors, aromas, sounds, or taste. And you can basically apply this to any activity, cleaning, exercising, or even driving. Settle your attention to whatever you do.

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