The 56 Minor Arcana cards reflect the tests and difficulties that we experience during our lives. This group of Tarot cards highlights the more practical and mundane aspects of life like every day yet minor influence issues.

The Minor Arcana is composed of 4 suits, Cups, Pentacles, Swords, and Wands, each one with 14 cards, ten from Ace to 10, and 4 court cards: Page, Knight, Queen, and King. And each of these suits and cards holds its meaning.

Let's discover more about the suit of cups. This suit is associated with the water element and feminine energy, and it has a lot to do with emotions, healing, intuition, and relationships. When the cup's tarot card shows in a reading it often indicates that you are more likely using your heart rather than your head to think. Cup cards are also associated with romance and creativity. Conversely, this suit can also reflect emotional numbness or conflicts, lack of passion, and unrealistic expectations.

Now, let's delve into the card's meaning:

Ace of Cups: Represents your subconscious mind, emotions, and intuition.

Upright: The Ace of Cups stands for new beginnings when it comes to emotions, like romantic relationships or even new friendships. It also indicates a time to get involved in creative projects.

Reversed: This can be a warning to expect too much of a particular situation or of someone, especially when you are getting to know them. Keep your emotional hopes, when it comes to love, realistic just in case it doesn't turn out as you wanted.

Two of Cups: Suggesting sexual energy.

Upright: When this card appears in a reading, it symbolizes mutual love and respect, a true partnership. I mean you can trust those who are nearest to you. It can also represent a new romantic partner.

Reversed: There may exist some friction and distrust with someone you like but you can address that through effective communication and active listening.

Three of Cups: Joy, respect, emotional connection.

Upright: It is time to celebrate and have fun! Connect with your friends and enjoy this period with them. Your open-mindedness and creativity are the result of emotional growth.

Reversed: It is time for romance, this card reversed often indicates a good time spent as a couple and getting to know someone better or that you need some alone time.

Four of Cups: Time for contemplation and meditation.

Upright: Something about your life seems a little bit off and you are required to meditate and take some time for yourself to reevaluate things in your life.

Reversed: To overcome feelings of disappointment or sadness, you must check in and realign yourself. Don't settle for anything or anyone, take your time to think and make assertive choices that lead you toward happiness.

Five of Cups: Feelings of disappointment.

Upright: If you are feeling unhappy or lost remember that you have a saying on that as you are in charge of your attitude and perspective. It can be time for you to practice self-love, even if you don't feel like it.

Reversed: Accept failure as part of the journey and learn from it instead of dwelling on regrets. Sometimes setbacks can lead you to a better understanding of something or someone.

Six of Cups: 

Upright: You are at peace with your past and grateful for the happy experience, accepting that things change. Memories from your childhood and joy may arise.

Reversed: However, sometimes it feels good to remember past situations, but it is not good to become too attached to them. Let go of old grudges, resentment, or unhealthy nostalgia.

Seven of Cups: Choosing what's right for you.

Upright: Opportunities are coming your way and it's time to choose wisely and see the things as they are instead of deluding yourself. Think of what aligns with your values and go for the opportunities that resonate with them and your dreams.

Reversed: Once you make your decisions aligned with your values, just go for it. Don't overthink things and avoid making too many choices at once to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Eight of Cups: Disappointment, and abandonment feelings.

Upright: Give yourself the respect you deserve and don't allow toxic situations or people to bring you down. Don't let disappointments put you down, instead, let go and move on with your life.

Reversed: Sometimes giving a second and a third chance to someone will not do the trick, in those cases, leave the indecision side and do what's best for you, even if that means walking away. Be brave!

Nine of Cups: Feelings of contentment and satisfaction.

Upright: When this card appears, it is a very auspicious sign of achievement and a wish come true. So, take this opportunity to go after what you truly want in life.

Reversed: Inner happiness can mean focusing on what you want the most instead of focusing on what you don't want. Remember your values to ensure your goals have meaning and are not based on materialism or impressing others.

Ten of Cups: Feelings of bliss and love.

Upright: Everything is falling into place when it comes to love and relationships. You may be feeling in harmony and peace.

Reversed: Sometimes we focus too much on small things when it comes to relationships, leaving you feeling disconnected or struggling to align with the other person or things out of your control.

Page of Cups: Creative inspiration and intuitive attunement.

Upright: This card symbolizes the ability to bring imagination and passion to your life. You are open to new possibilities.

Reversed: Be aware that along with new ideas, second-guessing may arise causing you to doubt yourself.

Knight of Cups: Imagination and romance on your way.

Upright: Romance is in the air! Let your emotions and imagination guide you when it comes to love.

Reversed: Be realistic when it comes to relationships, are they reciprocated? It can be heartbreaking to come to certain conclusions but it is necessary.

Queen of Cups: The Queen is compassionate and caring.

Upright: You may experience feelings of compassion and love, feeling emotionally stable. Let your sixth sense guide you.

Reversed: Accepting and forgiveness are necessary, take care of your feelings and practice self-love.

King of Cups: Calm and control even in tumultuous circumstances.

Upright: The king represents an emotionally mature figure with a relaxed and kind attitude.

Reversed: With power comes great responsibility. Are you being fair? Practice compassion and be attentive to your moodiness.

Want to know more about tarot and tarot readings? Make sure to check out Vanessa Somuayina's courses.

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